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  • Writer's pictureGrant Edwards

Gareth, Kyle and Ruby First Ascents Lynmouth West

Me (Brutus), with Kyle watching on, on Ruby's brilliant lip traverse Pie Consumption. Photo: Lissa Roy.

The super psyched team of Gareth Chalker, Kyle Whitehand and Ruby Petch have been very busy over the last year or two. Here's a quick update on some excellent 7+ problems they have put up to the West of Lynmouth. Some inspiration, a great collection of test pieces and stuff to stay strong for when life returns a little more towards normality. Stay safe people!

The Eye of the Storm 7b - FA Ruby Petch - An absolutely superb problem situated close to the Giza bloc. Look seawards from Giza, it's the obvious big perched block to the right. You'll need plenty of pads as the landing is fairly rough. Video here:-

Notre Dame/Extension - 7a/7b FA Gareth Chalker - The extension requires some 'modern' technique, namely an inverted double toe hook, to join the start of the original. Mega and very unique for a problem on rock. Video here:-

Pie Comsumption 7a - FA Ruby Petch - Lip traversing into mantle/ rock over goodness.

On the boulder hop westwards about half-way to Giza right next door to Notre Dame. Start low traverse right to left around the corner and then top out up the slab.

Visions of Anarchy 7b - FA Kyle Whitehand - In Kyle's words 'a board style problem with a scary top out'. This one is just past Notre Dame and Pie Consumption back on the 'cliff'. Another class outing. Video here:-

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